February 23, 2021Flower Exporters Kenya Kenya’s economy largely relies on the agriculture sector. Horticulture sub-sector is one of the top foreign exchange earners for the country... By Felista
February 10, 2021Hypericums from Kenya Hypericum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Hypericaceae. The genus has a nearly worldwide distribution, missing only from tropical... By Felista
January 20, 2021Crasepdia flowers from Kenya The Crasepdia flower from Kenya forms a rosette of leaves and yellow spherical flowers that resemble small tennis balls and are very decorative. It... By Felista
January 9, 2021Summer Flowers from Kenya Summer flowers are flowers that flower or blossom during the summer season, in Kenya which is a tropical country we do not have extreme season. So... By Felista
December 16, 2020Gypsophila from Kenya Gypsophila is a genus of flowering plants in the carnation family, Caryophyllaceae. They are native to Eurasia, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific... By Felista
December 10, 2020Kenyan Roses In Kenya, roses are grown in greenhouses on large monoculture farms. Essentially targeting foreign supermarkets, rose varieties are most often chosen... By Felista